We did have some dialogue with City staff on the ‘Traffic Impact Assessment’ who were most helpful and discussed the multiple traffic challenges. They have encouraged Urban Systems who represent RioCan to meet with us but to date we have not had a response from Urban Systems. https://www.calgary.ca/planning/projects/glenmore-landing.html
A different perspective on the development but similar concerns with traffic can be found at: https://www.stopthetowers.ca/traffic-concerns
More recently, on 24 June, the City issued Circulation Package for LOC2023-0130 – 9045 14 ST SW,1600 90 AV SW,1630 90 AV SW. It appears that the number of future occupants has increased significantly and comments are due no later than 22 July on: https://dmap.calgary.ca/?find=LOC2023-0130