Start planning for the 2024 growing season. At the OCG we are starting our 5th growing season and we would love to see you join us in learning and sharing gardening experiences and stories. 

Many gardeners start seedlings inside ahead of the outside growing season. Join some of our meetings to get a head start on Spring.       

We had our #98 and #99 meetings at Social Grounds on Thursday 16th Nov and 14th Dec. We had a full membership Christmas celebration at the OCA Facilities on Friday the 1st Dec with wine and cheese and great community. Our first meeting in 2024 will be our 100# meeting!! Time to grow.     

If you want to stay connected with our activities, please join us as a Level 1 member as it is FREE. Please register at: and you can participate in our fun and informative activities, including possible visits to private local gardens. If you want a raised bed you must pay to be a Level 2 or Level 3 member and details will be available February/March.

Come visit our OCG and rest awhile on our benches and at our picnic tables.  It is peaceful during winter and seniors and students use them at lunchtime.