Our OCG Executive meeting #100 was held on Thursday 25 Jan. Regarding administration, we had dialogue with the OCA about improving the registration process for existing and new members, so we hope this is working while meeting the new OCA requirements. To simplify accounting, we will not be able to pay for membership and bed rentals for the 2024-2025 period until 1st May, the beginning of the OCA’s financial year. This enables us to get waivers and agreements and rental beds assigned for existing members wanting to renew during March / April in advance of paying our annual OCA membership and Level 3 rentals. For existing (& new) Level 1 members, they also will be able to sign the waivers and agreements online and based on these, we will know how many spare beds will be available for completely new members on 1 May.
Our plan for 2024 – our 5th growing season is to ensure a focus on long term sustainment. This will mean encouraging more new members and a greater sharing of the volunteer effort.
We have a few events planned, many to be combined with other OCA activities. Our first is a zoom is on Sunday March 17 from 7-8pm. The topic is “Winter Sowing” presented by Sharon Williams. Contact: For zoom invite details, contact Bev Romerman at: romermab@gmail.com
Appropriately, it is Saint Patrick’s Day so we will be talking green! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick
Other events will be our Open Day combined with Arts in the Garden/ Park and the Stampede Breakfast. Later in the year, we will repeat some Halloween celebrations with pumpkin carving and dress up celebrations.
Come and volunteer and join the exciting garden group 😊