Our third 2024 OCG Executive meeting #102 will have been held on Thursday 21 March after our 25 Jan and 22 Feb meetings. Our focus has been on registration and early plans for the 2024 Spring season.  Changing the 4’ by 4’ beds which dry out very quickly into 10’ by 4‘ beds is planned for April. Payments for membership and rental of beds will start 1 May but you can still get on a wait list by contacting Bev at: romermab@gmail.com

You may have joined and enjoyed our first zoom presentation “Winter Sowing” presented by Sharon Williams. With April now upon us, many of you may be starting seedlings in protected areas.

Our plans for 2024 – our 5th growing season is to ensure a focus on long term sustainment. This will mean encouraging more new members and a greater sharing of the volunteer effort.

Regarding grant applications, this needs to be one of our priorities which needs OCA Board approval in advance prior to submitting any application for a grant.  We are also slowly progressing our grant application for: extension of our irrigation system, expansion of 4’ by 4’ beds to 10’ by 4’ beds, tables, benches and chairs for the Pavilion with possibly a wood floor and other garden equipment and plants.

We have a few events planned, many to be combined with other OCA activities.

Our Open Day combined with the OCA Stampede Breakfast on Sunday 7 July. Then we have a Harvest Day on 7 Sat 7 Sept possibly combined Art in the Garden / Park. Later in the year, we plan to repeat some Halloween celebrations with pumpkin carving and dress up celebrations.

Come and volunteer and join the exciting garden group 😊