The following summary is provided to illustrate the key themes shared by participants at the
meeting. While it does not attempt to capture all perspectives verbatim, the intention is that this
document provides an adequate overview of the discussion, and participants will see their
priorities reflected here.
Lack of contextual consideration in the application of the existing R-CG rules
Increasingly seeing 3-story rowhouses out of context with neighbouring properties
Windows & balconies from second/third floors that create significant overlooking and
privacy concerns
Overall massing out of context with neighbouring homes and overall street character
Shadowing which impedes or devalues investments in existing properties, backyards
Mechanical unit (AC, heat pump, etc.) positioning impeding enjoyment of adjacent yard
Lack of oversight and enforcement on peripheral matters with R-CG
Waste bin management and collection
Parking concerns
Loss of trees, erosion of green space within a block
Concerns about heritage and how it will be preserved
Lack of meaningful consultation
Feeling concerns raised by community within existing DP process are not addressed
Existing process for feedback is resource intensive for volunteers
Consultation and engagement are coming too late and is not authentic
Without a public hearing, communities lose their opportunity to speak directly to council
Planner used to be accessible and available to meet and answer questions,
relationships have deteriorated over time
Local Area Plans at least provided a forum for discussion and participation, many hours
spent on new plans now feels wasted
General feedback
Communities are not opposed to density, but wish to provide guidance on how to
accommodate growth within their neighbourhoods
Communities are also concerned about an affordable housing crunch and feel more
work can be done to accommodate more affordable units within Transit Oriented
Development, Calgary Housing company projects, leveraging city owned land, not for
profit partnerships, and other opportunities
Concerns regarding existing infrastructure capacity within established neighbourhoods
and cost of upgrades that will be required
School enrollment challenges in growing neighbourhoods
Concern regarding developer intent and profit taking, lack of care for neighbourhood
If R-CG moves ahead, will ‘red tape’ just be pushed to under resourced appeal bodies
Seeking clarification that parks will not be rezoned to R-CG
Concerns about oversight of City’s Real Estate and Development Services activities
Concerns about speed of rezoning change and the resulting consultation practices
Seeking clarification on Federal funding promises
Potential solutions offered to facilitate planning, approvals & building more units
Continue with Local Area Plans
Make better use of city owned land
Address short term rentals
Remove red tape on larger scale developments like apartments
Invest in more subsidized housing, Calgary Housing Company, co-op’s, etc.
Implement other actions in the housing strategy
Use South Shaganappi Community group as a model for other large scale
redevelopment engagement
Make better use of land around LRT, invest in transit oriented development
Building Relationships
A yearly meeting between the Mayor and CA Presidents (representatives) is recommended to
build relationships and continue these important discussions. Leslie Evans (Federation of
Calgary Communities) has graciously offered their services to organize and host and the Mayor
welcomes this opportunity.